69.6 °F

Weather Observation Records

Observations are powered by a Personal Weather Station
Temperature Records
2024 All Time
Highest Temperature 92.0 °F 95.1 °F
Lowest Temperature 6.8 °F -11.4 °F
Highest Apparent Temperature 105.7 °F 105.7 °F
Lowest Apparent Temperature -4.5 °F -27.8 °F
Highest Heat Index 112.2 °F 112.2 °F
Lowest Wind Chill 0.0 °F -25.0 °F
Largest Daily Temperature Range 35.2 °F
(Min: 32.5 °F - Max: 67.7 °F )
47 °F
(Min: 9.6 °F - Max: 56.6 °F )
Smallest Daily Temperature Range 1.7 °F
(Min: 31.4 °F - Max: 33.1 °F )
0.5 °F
(Min: 57.4 °F - Max: 57.9 °F )
Wind Records
2024 All Time
Strongest Wind Gust 40 mph 46 mph
Highest Daily Wind Run 201.83 miles 201.83 miles
Rain Records
2024 All Time
Highest Daily Rainfall 3.39 in 3.56 in
Highest Daily Rain Rate 5.94 in/hr 15.57 in/hr
Month with Highest Total Rainfall 9.03 in March 11.96 in July, 2021
Total Rainfall for 37.72 in 2024 62.83 in 2023
Consecutive Days With Rain 12 days ending 12 days
Consecutive Days Without Rain 10 days ending 16 days
Humidity Records
2024 All Time
Highest Humidity 98% 100%
Lowest Humidity 19% 11%
Highest Dewpoint 81.0 °F 81.3 °F
Lowest Dewpoint -0.5 °F -30.0 °F
Barometer Records
2024 All Time
Highest Barometer 30.637 inHg 30.906 inHg
Lowest Barometer 28.974 inHg 28.199 inHg
Sun Records
2024 All Time
Highest Solar Radiation 1343 W/m² 2006 W/m²
Highest UV 10.5 14.8